
Type of coffee 1

First is espresso, Italian pronunciation is [eˈsprɛsso], which  is brewed by finely grounding coffee beans with few nearly boiling water under pressure. Nearly all the other coffee need espiesso to be the base, like cappuccino, cafe mocha, caffè macchiato and caffè latte. This is perhaps the most important coffee.

Second is espresso macchiato, Italian pronunciation: [kafˈfɛ mmakˈkjaːto], sometimes can also be called espresso machiato. This is a coffee drink with some milk on the cover of the espresso, today usually use foamed milk. In Italy, the word machiato means 'spotted' or 'stained', so we can call  'stained coffee' as directly translate of espresso macchiato.

 "Milk Frothing Guide", CoffeeGeek.com, 13th June 2012

                                                                              Sheng Wu

